Celestion Review: A Closer Look at the Crypto Scheme

Celestion Review: A Closer Look at the Crypto Scheme

Welcome to my Celeston Review!

In an era where cryptocurrency investments are booming, the rise of questionable MLM opportunities has become increasingly prevalent. Celestion is one of the latest entrants making bold promises of high returns and financial freedom, but a closer look reveals a much darker reality. This article delves deep into Celestion’s operations to uncover the truth behind its facade and why investors should be cautious.

Celestion operates under the radar, concealing its ownership and executive details. Their domain, “celestion.io”, was discreetly registered on April 3, 2024. While the website may appear polished, the underlying structure tells a different story.

Before I dive in…

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If you want to know more about Celestion keep reading…

Shell Companies and False Fronts

Celestion Review

In an effort to appear legitimate, Celestion touts its connection with “Celestion Foundation PTY LTD”, a company supposedly based in Australia. However, the address listed with ASIC is nothing more than a virtual office—a classic tactic used to create an illusion of legitimacy. In reality, Celestion Foundation PTY LTD has no actual operations in Australia.

ASIC’s registration process, unfortunately, has a reputation for its leniency, allowing anyone to establish a company without substantial verification. Scammers favor ASIC due to this lack of regulation, enabling them to register shell companies with false information. Thus, relying on ASIC certification as proof of authenticity is, at best, misleading.

What Does Celestion Offer?

The answer? Nothing tangible. Celestion provides no real products or services. Instead, affiliates are only allowed to promote memberships—a red flag that screams classic MLM without a genuine retail offering.

The Investment Scheme Unpacked

Celestion attracts affiliates by promising lucrative returns on investments made in tether (USDT). The company offers various investment tiers, each with different daily return rates:

  • Spark: Invest 50 – 249 USDT for 0.55% – 0.75% daily over 13 days
  • Blaze: 250 – 999 USDT yielding 0.75% – 0.95% daily for 17 days
  • Radiance: 1000 – 2499 USDT, with 0.95% – 1.15% returns daily over 25 days
  • Glow: 2500 – 4999 USDT promising 1.15% – 1.5% daily returns for 35 days
  • Luminous: 5000 – 24,999 USDT generating 1.5% – 1.8% daily for 50 days
  • Brilliance: 25,000 – 1,000,000 USDT at 1.8% – 2.5% daily for 75 days

High-Risk, Long-Term Options

Celestion’s most aggressive offerings come with year-long lock-in periods:

  • Empower Lite: 1000 – 3499 USDT offering 3% daily but locked for 365 days
  • Empower Pro: 3500 – 24,999 USDT yielding 4% daily (also locked for a year)
  • Empower Max: 25,000 – 1,000,000 USDT boasting 5% daily for 365 days (no withdrawals allowed until the term ends)

These terms reveal a critical strategy: holding onto funds for as long as possible to delay payouts—a typical move in Ponzi schemes.

Celestion website

Climbing the Celestion Ladder: The Recruitment Game

Celestion’s compensation model encourages aggressive recruitment. Their rank system is designed to push affiliates to expand their downlines:

  1. Acolyte: Join as an affiliate.
  2. Nano: Invest 250 USDT and build 1000 USDT in downline volume.
  3. Quantum: Invest 600 USDT with 5000 USDT in downline volume.
  4. Cyber: Invest 1250 USDT and generate 20,000 USDT in total downline volume.
  5. Nebula: 2000 USDT investment and 50,000 USDT in downline.
  6. Lunar: Invest 5000 USDT and achieve 100,000 USDT in downline volume.
  7. Nova: 10,000 USDT investment with a 175,000 USDT downline requirement.
  8. Stellar: 20,000 USDT investment with 350,000 USDT downline volume.
  9. Hyper: Invest 45,000 USDT and reach 600,000 USDT in downline.
  10. Infinity: A hefty 65,000 USDT investment with a 1,750,000 USDT downline.

Volume Restrictions: Keeping Affiliates Chasing

To keep affiliates continuously recruiting, Celestion imposes limits on rank qualification volume:

  • 100% of level 1 (direct recruit) investments count
  • 60% of level 2 investments count
  • 35% for level 3
  • 10% for level 4

Beyond these levels, no volume counts, pressuring affiliates to constantly expand their networks.

The Matching Bonus: More Recruitment Incentives

Celestion offers a Matching Bonus using a unilevel structure, capping commissions at ten levels deep. Payouts are based on rank and designed to incentivize affiliates to build extensive downlines.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Celestion?

While it’s technically free to join, to unlock earnings potential, affiliates must commit at least 50 USDT. This “pay-to-play” element is another hallmark of pyramid schemes.

The Reality Check: Celestion’s Ponzi Setup

Celestion markets itself as a cryptocurrency trading platform, but provides no verifiable proof of external revenue generation. They claim to manage over 125 million assets, yet no audited reports or ASIC filings back up these claims.

Let’s break down the logic: If Celestion were truly generating millions in daily profits, why would it need to lure in small investors with promises of high returns? Why would they offer such unbelievable profits for free? The math doesn’t add up.

The Inevitable Collapse

The only genuine source of income for Celestion is new affiliate investments. Without any retail sales, this setup is nothing but a Ponzi scheme disguised as an MLM. As soon as new recruitment slows, the money will run dry, causing a collapse.

The bottom line is that, like all Ponzi schemes, Celestion will fail. When it does, the majority of participants will lose their investments. It’s only a matter of time.

Tired of Scams? My #1 Recommendation

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See you at the top,

-Jesse Singh

P.S.  If you are tired of failing ANY business, click here and check this out to take your game to the next level.

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