eOracle Review – Legit Crypto MLM or Espian Global Scam?
- Crypto MLM Reviews
- June 9, 2021
Welcome to my eOracle Review!
There has been some buzz about this MLM company that out of the blue decided to change their name.
Chances are someone approached you about their passive returns opportunity and you landed here to make sure it’s legit.
The good news is I am going to walk you through everything I know so you can make the right decision.
Just PAY close attention and watch this to the end…
Before I jump into this, if you want to learn how you can build a legit and wildly profitable business online step by step over the shoulder with one on one mentoring, you gotta check out this video.
What is eOracle
According to the company, e-Oracle is an education platform use decentralized platform to access blockchain starts up. An e-Oracle user has the ability to build wealth through their e-Oracle gaming blockchain.
eOracle Review
This is actually not a new company, but it’s Espian Global changing their name to eOracle recently which I reported on.
It looks like the man behind this company is Edgar Ariel Gavilan Gonzalas which is different than ESPN Global when it launched.
There isn’t a whole lot of information on this individual which doesn’t make sense if you are possible the person who runs eOracle.
The domain name “e-oracle.com” was registered privately on May 31st, 2021 and most of the traffic right now is coming from “espianglobal.com” because it has been redirected.
I don’t think they changed much when it comes to the business model itself…
Not to mention they claim to have over 15 years of experience but their leadership and information behind the company is none-existent.
Must be a legit claim….not.
eOracle Products
When it comes to the products and services, you have the ability to buy and sell ECN tokens. Plus eOracle can do crypto mining for you and trading.
They are launching a PEYWY Mastercard debit so you can spend your rewards.
Block Consult Compensation Plan
In the E-ORACLE compensation plan there are 9 ways you can earn in the compensation plan.
- Direct Referral Income
- Two Team Matching Incentive
- Super Matching Bonus
- Quick Commander Royalty
- Medal of Honor
- Hall of Fame Bonus
- Staking
- Mining Income
- Mega Binary
- Purchase Subscription Single – eGame ($50), Staking Package ($89), Mining ($127) and Pro Mining ($239)
- Purchase Subscription Ace – eGame ($150), Staking Package ($267), Mining ($381) and Pro Mining ($717)
- Purchase Subscription Ace Plus – eGame ($350), Staking Package ($623), Mining ($889) and Pro Mining ($1673)
- Purchase Subscription Herald – eGame ($750), Staking Package ($1335), Mining ($1905) and Pro Mining ($3585)
- Purchase Subscription Guardian – eGame ($1550), Staking Package ($2759), Mining ($3939) and Pro Mining ($7409)
- Purchase Subscription Crusader – eGame ($3150), Staking Package ($5607), Mining ($8001) and Pro Mining ($15057)
- Purchase Subscription Commander – eGame ($6350), Staking Package ($11303), Mining ($16129) and Pro Mining ($30353)
E-Oracle Direct Referral Income
Once you have sponsored two people into the company, you can now earn 5% commissions on your personally referred members.
E-Oracle Residual Income
Residual income in eOracle is paid through a binary compensation plan which can be filled directly or indirectly by your team members.
Once their is a $50 match on both sides, you cycle a $5 commission.
You can cycle anywhere between $5 to $25 per cycle depending on your rank.
Earning per day are capped anywhere between $150 to $2,500 per day which also depends on your rank.
Unlike all the other eOracle reviews out there I am going to keep it real with you next…
eOracle Scam or Legit?
So does the eOracle scam exist?
Let’s just look at the facts…
First there isn’t much information on the leadership they want you to drop money into the company.
Second, I couldn’t find any proof of their actual products in motion and most of the information I see is about the compensation plan.
Third, because of the lack of proof of external revenue, all I see is new investments paying off existing members.
Making this exactly the same as ESPN Global but with a different name…
I can’t recommend this company…
e-Oracle Review / Recommendation
If you landed on this blog, you want to actually know how to make money online right?
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From there you can invest in appreciating assets and build long term wealth.
Remember to follow me on social media below because I am actually real and want to serve you.
I hope you enjoyed my eOracle review and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below…
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
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