Epic Slim Review: SCAM or Legit Product Based MLM?

Epic Slim Review: SCAM or Legit Product Based MLM?

Welcome to my Epic Slim Review!

Collagen Coffee… or Just Another Pyramid Brew?

You know the formula by now:
👉 Slap a “health” product on a shiny website.
👉 Promise weight loss, energy, or magical metabolic boosts.
👉 Build an MLM recruitment engine around it.
👉 Watch the commissions roll in — until the pyramid collapses.

Enter Epic Slim, the latest spinoff from BEpic, powered by none other than Dan Putnam, a guy with more SEC fraud charges than most people have parking tickets.

Epic Slim claims to offer you a collagen-infused weight loss coffee that will melt fat while you sip. But peel back the layers, and it’s just another autoship-heavy recruitment machine with pyramid-shaped math problems.

So, let’s break down why Epic Slim’s “fat-burning coffee empire” is really just a pyramid scheme in a mug.

Do you want to know a 100% legit way to make an income from home?

What if you could build a passive income stream that’s actually passive?

An income stream that doesn’t require:

  • Inventory
  • Selling to friends and family
  • Selling to strangers
  • Recruiting people
  • Dealing with questionable products that weigh on your conscience

An income stream that brings in consistent revenues every single month (from a couple thousand dollars to well over $10,000)?

An income stream you could actually build in your spare time, and grow as large or as small as you want to, without having to spend hours a day chasing, selling, or managing anything?

Just take a look at this:

Now I can’t guarantee you results like this but I am just showing you what is possible!

If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out Digital Real Estate. 

Now if you want to continue, keep reading…

Epic Slim Company Overview: Locked Doors and Shady Backrooms

Epic Slim Review

Before you can even see Epic Slim’s website, you’re hit with a login screen asking for a “sponsor username.” No sponsor, no access.

Click around a bit, and what do we find? The back office is “powered by BEpic Worldwide LLC,” the same outfit run by Dan Putnam — MLM legend turned serial fraudster.

Putnam has been sued by the SEC, accused of defrauding consumers out of $12 million. He settled the SEC’s Ponzi fraud charges in January 2023, with a judgment totaling over $5.66 million by September 2024.

And that’s just the highlight reel. Let’s not forget:

  • Flex (2023) — an AI spam scheme.
  • Aiscend (2024) — “hands-free” unregistered trading that was anything but.
  • Avasar (2024) — pitched $250 Amazon store “shares” with promises of monthly returns (also unregistered).

Putnam also partnered with Travis Martin and JC Martinez to launch Against All Odds, which spectacularly unraveled after Martin’s arrest on child sex charges in January 2025.

                               Dan Putnam

If this is the track record you trust to manage your money, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Epic Slim’s Products: Coffee, Collagen, and a Lot of Hype

Epic Slim Collagen

So what exactly are you paying for? According to BEpic’s website, it’s:

“Rich, smooth, all-natural instant coffee with adaptogenic mushrooms, collagen protein, and CaloriBurn GP.”

The pitch?

  • Boost metabolism.
  • Burn fat.
  • Suppress appetite.
  • Become the lean coffee-sipping influencer of your dreams.

They also market Epic Slim Collagen, described as an “appetite suppressant collagen drink.”

Notice anything missing? Pricing.

Click the “Start Now” button, and surprise — you need a sponsor username just to view prices or order. If the product’s that great, why hide the price tag? Because in pyramid schemes, the products are there to justify recruitment — not because anyone is actually buying them retail.

Epic Slim’s Compensation Plan: Drink Coffee, Recruit Hard

Epic Slim’s comp plan is structured for one thing: autoship-fueled recruitment.

Let’s decode the rank structure:

Rank Requirements
Partner Sign up (easy part).
Brand Partner Maintain monthly autoship + recruit one autoship-paying affiliate.
Qualified Partner Autoship + two recruits (one per binary leg).
Silver Autoship + two recruits + 1,000 GV weekly (weaker binary leg).
Gold Autoship + two recruits + 2,500 GV weekly.
Platinum Autoship + two recruits + 5,000 GV weekly.
Diamond to Green Diamond Just multiply those numbers by 10… then by 50… then by 100.

If you’re not on autoship and recruiting like your life depends on it, you’re not making money. Period.

Retail and Recruitment Commissions: Just a Fancy Entrance Fee

Epic Slim affiliates earn a 50% commission on retail sales and the first order of any recruited affiliate. But recruitment commissions are one-and-done — no ongoing commissions after that first sale.

Because surprise: the real money is in locking people into monthly autoship and making them recruit others to do the same.

Autoship Recruitment Commissions: Pay to Play, Baby

Got a 70 PV autoship order? Great! Now you can earn:

  • Recruit two autoship affiliates who also recruit two each = $100/month
  • Recruit three who each recruit three = $300/month
  • Recruit four who each recruit four = $500/month
  • Recruit five who each recruit five = $700/month

If you only have 35-69 PV in autoship, all those payouts are cut in half. Why? Because they want you on the biggest autoship package possible.

Residual Commissions: The Binary Nightmare

Epic Slim uses a binary compensation structure, where your team splits into left and right legs. Commissions are paid based on the weaker leg’s volume:

Rank Residual Commission Rate
Qualified Partner 8%
Silver 10%
Gold 12%
Platinum 13%
Diamond 15%
Blue Diamond 16%
Double Blue 17%
Black Diamond 18%
Double Black/Green 20%

At the end of each week, they tally your volume, flush it, and carry over whatever’s left. Sound exhausting? It is.

Matching Bonuses & Generational Bonuses: Pyramid on Pyramid

Recruit someone who earns residual commissions? You get 20% of whatever they make.

For the big recruiters, there’s also a Generational Bonus, paying up to 10% across multiple “generations” in your unilevel structure. Because pyramids weren’t enough — now it’s pyramids within pyramids.

Rank Achievement Bonus: Hit Big Ranks, Get Cash (If It Lasts That Long)

If you somehow manage to climb this impossible ladder, here are the big prizes:

  • Blue Diamond: $10,000
  • Double Blue Diamond: $20,000
  • Black Diamond: $40,000
  • Double Black Diamond: $75,000
  • Green Diamond: $150,000

All assuming, of course, that the company doesn’t implode before you get there.

Bonus Pool: Recruit or Bust

1% of company-wide sales go into a pool. But you only get a piece if you:

  • Recruit two affiliates within 48 hours of joining.
  • Keep recruiting two affiliates every month.

It’s less “reward” and more MLM treadmill of doom.

Joining Epic Slim: $15… or Maybe Free? They Can’t Decide.

The website says you can “get started for $15,” but the marketing materials say “it costs nothing.”

Translation: They’ll tell you whatever gets you through the door.

Conclusion: Pyramid Scheme in a Coffee Cup

Everything about Epic Slim screams autoship recruitment machine. Sure, they have products (weight loss coffee, collagen drinks), but:

  • You can’t buy them without a sponsor.
  • Pricing is hidden behind signup forms.
  • Retail sales are clearly an afterthought.

The real engine here is autoship + recruitment, the definition of a pyramid scheme.

When recruitment slows down, commissions dry up. Affiliates cancel their autoships. Uplines stop getting paid. The entire system collapses — math, as always, doesn’t lie.

And with Dan Putnam’s track record? You know exactly how this ends.

Final Thought: Don’t Fall for the Brewed Pyramid

If drinking collagen coffee really burned fat and made you rich, Starbucks would be a billionaire maker.

Instead, Epic Slim is just another recruit-and-auto-ship pyramid, waiting for the inevitable collapse. Keep your crypto, save your sanity, and don’t sip the Kool-Aid (or the collagen coffee).

My Number 1 Recommendation

Do you want to know a 100% legit way to make an income from home?

What if you could build a passive income stream that’s actually passive?

An income stream that doesn’t require:

  • Inventory
  • Selling to friends and family
  • Selling to strangers
  • Recruiting people
  • Dealing with questionable products that weigh on your conscience

An income stream that brings in consistent revenues every single month (from a couple thousand dollars to well over $10,000)?

Take a look at some of the results:

An income stream you could actually build in your spare time, and grow as large or as small as you want to, without having to spend hours a day chasing, selling, or managing anything?

If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out Digital Real Estate. 

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See you at the top,

Beyond Slim

-Jesse Singh

P.S.  If you are tired of failing ANY business, click here and check this out to take your game to the next level

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