Espian Global Changes Name To E-Oracle With Website Change
- MLM News
- June 4, 2021
Recently Espian Global decided to change their name to e-Oracle and their original domain “espianglobal.com” now is forwarded to “e-oracle.com”.
The domain e-Oracle was privately register on May 31st, 2021 which only makes it a few days old when this article was published.
The question is, why did they completely change their name and website?
There isn’t a clear answer to this, but I can speculate that Espian Global was EXTREMELY close to ESPN the sports network and they probably didn’t want a lawsuit on their hands.
Not only that, the corporation name ESPN Global Corporation LTD they were hijacking didn’t belong to them, but tried to see if they could get away with writing Espian Global Corporation LTD and see if no one notices.
Well, I noticed…
On their new website e-Oracle, I noticed they have no information on any registration and claim to be a cryptocurrency trading and mining company.
That is completely different than their original concept of being an online gaming platform.
In my original ESPIAN Global review I did call this company a ponzi scheme and had nothing to do with eSports.
In fact, one of their phases was to launch their own ERC-20 SGT token as their exit scam strategy but that seems to be been scrapped by their name change.
End if the far as I can tell, same scam different name…
Update June 9th, 2021: eOracle Review
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-Jesse Singh
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