PGI Global Review – (2021) Legit Crypto MLM Company or Ponzi Scam?
- PGI Global Reviews
- December 23, 2020
Welcome to my PGI Global Review!
If you didn’t know this already, PGI stands for “Praetorian Group International” and it has recently hit the marketplace.
There has been some buzz about this so I decided to take a look.
Chances are someone approached you about their passive income opportunity and you landed here to make sure it’s legit.
The good news is I am going to walk you through the company, products and compensation plan so you can make the right decision.
Just pay CLOSE attention and read this to the end…
Before we jump into this review, if you want to learn how you can get started in a legit business online step by step over the shoulder with one on one mentoring where we help you get to your personal income goals, watch this video here.
Note: PGI GLOBAL has exit scammed….
PGI Global Review (MLM Company)
Praetorian Group International Global is a crypto MLM company that promises passive returns through trading.
What is PGI Global and how does it work?
Basically you give this company some Bitcoin (min of $100) and the company trades on your behalf.
It seems to be headed by RV Palafox who has been the President of AiTrades Asia in the past.
So a comment I got from another review site about AI trades was the following:
Based in Estonia, founded by known fraud Joff Paradise, aka Jeffrey Webb, currently hiding in Panama for international law enforcement. Mark Davis and RV Palafox scheme the money out of unknowing investors, Both based in Thailand and the Philipinnes. It’s a ponzi scheme.[1]
The AI Trades website “aitradesglobal.org” still seems to be operational.
And it’s the EXACT same concept as PGI Global…
Not sure why he would launch another company that’s exactly the same unless AI Trades isn’t doing so well.
Next we take a look at the products in this Praetorian Group International review…
PGI Global Reviews (Products)
PGI Global has no retail products or services, but you can purchase their affiliate membership and start earning that way.
You can also invest in the company where you can make a passive return.
The investment packages will cost the following and are BTC.
- Sapphire – $100
- Ruby – $1000
- Emerald – $20,000
- Diamond – $500,000
There is a $19 annual fee.
Companies that have actual retail going are IM Mastery Academy and Tradera in the trading space.
They do have some health and wellness tabs which goes to these products:
XSanchi. Known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as the miracle herb.
The commonly used scientific name for XSanchi, or three-seven root in Chinese, is Panax Notoginseng. The Chinese refer to it as three-seven root because the plant has three branches with seven leaves each (three to the left and four to the right), as described in BencaoGangmu(also known as Compendium of Materia Medica) written by Li Shi zhen, a prominent medical expert of the Ming Dynasty
OGAWA is a Malaysian health and wellness retail store established in 1996.Since then, OGAWA has grown into the leading player in the design, development and marketing health and wellness equipment in Malaysia. Here in OGAWA, we are committed in encouraging a healthier lifestyle through creation of innovative products of the highest quality.
OGAWA itself means “stream” in Japanese. It is the magic source of life and the desired merge of streams into the boundless mighty ocean. With the philosophy of “Spring of Wellness”, OGAWA is dedicated to share its wellness intelligence with everyone for a better and healthier lifestyle.
No retail pricing about those…
They are really all over the place with what they offer…
They claim to specialize in cryptocurrency and all of their marketing efforts goes there, but then talk about health and wellness products?
PGI Global Compensation Plan
You can earn direct commissions and residuals through a binary compensation plan.
PGI Global Rank and Bonuses
Overall there are 10 ranks in total, below is the breakdown on how to hit them.
- PGI1 – $50,000 GV on both legs in binary (Mont Banc Pen as a bonus)
- PG2 – Maintain PG1 on left leg, and PG2 on the right leg (Smart Phone as a bonus)
- PG3 – Have four PG1 and two PG2 anywhere in the binary (Macbook as a bonus)
- PG4 – Have eight PG1, four PG2 and two PG3 anywhere in the binary (Cruise as a bonus)
- PG5 – Have sixteen PG1, eight PG2, four PG3 and two PG4 anywhere in the binary (Honda Civic as a bonus)
- PG6 – Thirty-two PG1, sixteen PG2, eight PG3, four PG4, two PG5 anywhere in the binary (Rolex)
- PG7 – Thirty-two PG2, sixteen PG3, eight PG4, four PG5, two PG6 anywhere in the binary (Mercedes)
- PG8 – Thirty-two PG3, sixteen PG4, eight PG5, four PG6, two PG7 anywhere in the binary (Tesla S)
- PG9 – Thirty-three PG4, sixteen PG5, eight PG6, four PG7, two PG8 anywhere in the binary (Lamborghini)
- PG10 – Thirty-three PG5, sixteen PG6, eight PG7, four PG8, two PG9 anywhere in the binary (House and car)
Direct Commissions
You can earn direct commissions on your personally sponsored members which depends on which packages you went with.
- Saphire – earn 6%
- Ruby – earn 8%
- Emerald – earn 10%
- Diamond – earn 12%
You can also earned boosted direct commissions as long as there are active members with the same package or greater than yours.
- Saphire – earn 8%
- Ruby – earn 10%
- Emerald – earn 12%
- Diamond – earn 14%
Residual Commissions
All residual commissions are paid through a binary compensation plan.
To qualify for a binary, you must sponsor at least two people, one on the left and right.
A binary compensation plan has YOU at the top of the binary structure and splits into two sides (left and right):
First level of the binary has two positions.
Second level of the binary splits the first two positions into another two making it four in total.
This keeps splitting unlimited lengths deep, but a MLM will have some kind of cap on this..
Positions in the binary compensation plan can be filled directly or indirectly by team members.
You get paid on the lesser leg and any left over volume gets rolled over to the next pay period.
Depending on which package you went with you can earn the following in the binary:
- Sapphire – earn 8%
- Ruby – earn 8%
- Emerald – earn 8%
- Diamond – earn 10%
Again like the direct commissions, you can earn boosted residual commissions if you have someone with the same package and/or greater than yours.
- Sapphire – earn 10%
- Ruby – earn 10%
- Emerald – earn 10%
- Diamond – earn 12%
Cost To Join PGI Global
Affiliate membership is $19 per year and in order to earn a passive 0.5 to 3% paid through the weekday until it hits 200% return, you must drop at least $100.
Below is the list of packages:
- Saphire – $100
- Ruby – $1000
- Emerald – $20,000
- Diamond – $500,000
Unlike all the other PGI Global reviews out there I am going to keep this real now…
Praetorian Group International Review Video
PGI Global has exit scammed….
Final Verdict
So does the PGI Global scam exist?
Well let’s look at the facts…
They have no retail products or services which is a huge red flag.
RV Palafox has a huge track record on promoting ponzi schemes like AI Trades and the website is still going today.
This is the EXACT same business model as AI Trades…
They are promising returns and are not registered to any securities authority.
Also there is no proof of external income coming into the company.
Saying “We trade for you” is not proof just so you know…
Overall, sure the company might pay returns about to 6 months then it will crash hard like many companies of this nature.
I personally do not recommend companies like this at all…
Now before you go…
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
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