FluxCart Review: Is This Just Another Ponzi Scheme Scam?

FluxCart Review: Is This Just Another Ponzi Scheme Scam?

Welcome to FluxCart Review!

FluxCart is the latest player in the MLM world, but before you consider investing, there are some serious red flags to address. With unverifiable leadership, a tangled web of websites, and questionable promises of passive income, this company appears to be yet another in the long line of “click a button” Ponzi schemes.

Before I dive in…

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If you want to know more about FLUXCARTkeep reading…

Lack of Transparency: Who’s Really Behind FluxCart Review?

Fluxcart Review

One of the first issues with FluxCart is the total absence of verifiable ownership or executive information on its website. The company operates through four known domains, all of which have been registered in the past year:

  • fluxcart.store – registered in December 2023, updated January 2024
  • fluxcart.top – registered in December 2023, updated September 2024 (now abandoned)
  • fluxcart.vip – registered in September 2023, updated November 2023 (also abandoned)
  • fluxcart.bond – registered in September 2024

The multiple domains, with some already abandoned, suggest a fly-by-night operation. To appear legitimate, FluxCart presents a UK company registration for Fluxcart E-Commerce Technology Co., LTD, but this business was registered in April 2022, well before the MLM version of FluxCart even existed. Clearly, this UK entity has no real connection to the MLM business currently operating.

Fluxcard ecommerce technology

Digging further into the source code of FluxCart’s app reveals Chinese language—a strong indicator that the people running this company have ties to China.

What Does FluxCart Sell? Absolutely Nothing

Another major red flag: FluxCart has no retailable products or services. Affiliates can’t sell anything tangible to customers, which is a classic marker of a Ponzi scheme. Instead, affiliates are only able to promote FluxCart memberships to other potential investors.

FluxCart’s Compensation Plan: Recruitment and Investment

FluxCart’s compensation plan is built around affiliate investments in tether (USDT). Affiliates are promised passive returns based on how much they invest:

  • VIP1 – Invest 35 USDT and earn 2% to 2.3% daily
  • VIP2 – Invest 500 USDT and earn 2.3% to 2.7% daily
  • VIP3 – Invest 3000 USDT and earn 2.7% to 3.2% daily

While there are higher investment tiers, FluxCart doesn’t disclose the details.

Affiliates also earn referral commissions on the investments of their recruits, paid through three levels of recruitment:

  • Level 1 – 20%
  • Level 2 – 5%
  • Level 3 – 3%

This heavy reliance on recruitment is a telltale sign that FluxCart’s business model is unsustainable.

Fluxcart website

Cost to Join FluxCart Reviews

While joining FluxCart is free, full participation in its passive income scheme requires a minimum investment of 35 USDT.

Conclusion: Another “Click a Button” Ponzi Scheme

At its core, FluxCart is yet another Ponzi scheme disguised as a legitimate business. The company’s ruse is simple: affiliates log in, click a button to place fictional orders with retailers, and supposedly earn commissions on these orders. But as you’ve probably guessed, these orders don’t exist, and the revenue supposedly generated from them is nothing more than recycled funds from new investors.

Just like its predecessors, such as DJI Drone Mall, GoldenWarehouse, and DurexVIP, FluxCart is destined to collapse once recruitment slows down. At that point, most investors will lose their money—a common outcome for Ponzi schemes.

If you’re considering investing in FluxCart, think long and hard. These schemes never end well, and when FluxCart shuts down, it will leave many people in financial ruin.

Tired of Scams? My #1 Recommendation

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See you at the top,

-Jesse Singh

P.S.  If you are tired of failing ANY business, click here and check this out to take your game to the next level.

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