BitBinary Review – Legit 3% Daily ROI MLM Company or Huge Scam?
- MLM Reviews
- February 3, 2021
Welcome to my BitBinary Review!
This is the latest investment MLM company where they are promising up to 3% return through their crypto trading binary bot.
Chances are someone approached you about the investment opportunity through trading and now you landed here to make sure it’s legit.
The good news is I am going to walk you through the company, products and compensation plan so you can make the right decision.
Just PAY close attention and read this to the end if you want to know the truth!
BitBinary Review (Company)
When you first land on their website and check out the “About Company” section on BitBinary’s website you will notice there is no information on the executives or team behind them.
They do have one testimonial Terry Rodrigues but doesn’t look real…
I decided to check out their domain information on “bitbinary.net” and found out it was FIRST privately registered on December 27th, 2019 and updated on November 5th, 2020.
Looking at the traffic states, looks like that’s when the website launched around…
What Is BitBinary
According to BitBinary, they offer services that are focused around crypto binary options and have created software that does this trading and produce profits.
The trading bots work by a complex algorithm to help members produce profits.
That’s what they say anyway…
What throws me off is the lack of information they have on the executive team.
Another thing is they are based out of Hong Kong but most of the traffic coming to the site is from Venezuela.
BitBinary Reviews (Products)
BitBinary offers a crypto binary options service that trades on your behalf on their platform.
When it comes to RETAIL products or services, there is nothing here that is sold to actual customers.
What you have to do is become an affiliate and from there you can either invest into the company or recruit others and earn a commission.
Sorta reminds me of another company which has a similar structure, you can check that out here: Beurax Review – (2021) 3.6% Daily Returns Crypto MLM or Scam?
Below is the list of services you get access to as an affiliate.
Bit Start
“The best choice for beginners”.
- Price: $20
- Daily Interest: 0.3 to 0.4%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 250 days
Bit Start Plus
Description is the same as Bit Start claiming this is the best for beginners.
- Price: $100
- Daily Interest: 0.4 to 0.5%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 230 days
BT Middle
The next level of automotive binary trading (no real details on what that looks like).
- Price: $500
- Daily Interest: 0.5 to 0.6%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 210 days
BT Middle Plus
Has the same description as BT middle.
- Price: $1000
- Daily Interest: 0.6 to 0.8%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 190 days
BIT Professional
“Products for professional traders”.
- Price: $3000
- Daily Interest: 0.8 to 1.0%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 170 days
BIT Professional Plus
Same description as above…
- Price: $5000
- Daily Interest: 1.0 to 1.2%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 150 days
BIT Full
“Extremely profitable bot for the advanced traders”.
- Price: $10000
- Daily Interest: 1.2 to 1.5%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 130 days
BIT Full Plus
Same description as above…
- Price: $20000
- Daily Interest: 1.5 to 2.0%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 110 days
BIT Privileged
“The highest level of professionalism.
This bot was designed for the most ambitious and confident traders”.
- Price: $30000
- Daily Interest: 2.0 to 3.0%
- Maximum period: 365 days
- Bot Close: after 90 days
Weird thing is the descriptions don’t make any sense because this is an auto trader bot…
What makes you a professional when it’s auto trading?
Only difference see is investment amount, daily interest and investment maturity (bot close).
All payment methods are through bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, dogecoin and tether.
Let’s take a look at the compensation plan next in this BitBinary review…
BitBinary Compensation Plan
BItBinary pays all their commissions through a unilevel compensation plan structure.
There are TWO comp plans depending on what the user does.
For example, you earn differently on your teams investments compared to your teams profits.
Investment Payout
You can earn commissions through a unilevel compensation plan on your downlines investments as a percentage.
This is paid through a three tier unilevel:
- Level 1: 7%
- Level 2: 2%
- Level 1: 1%
Profit Commissions
You can earn commissions on your downlines PROFITS each month as a percentage as well.
This is paid through the same 3 tier unilevel:
- Level 1: 40%
- Level 2: 30%
- Level 3: 20%
Cost To Join BitBinary
BitBinary affiliate membership is tied to at least a $20 investment.
Only difference between the investment packages is the daily ROI rate.
Unlike all the other BitBinary reviews out there I am going to tell you the truth next so PAY close attention…
Is BitBinary A Scam?
So does the BitBinary scam exist?
Let’s look at the facts…
First we have no idea who runs or owns the MLM company.
Second, they claim to be from Hong Kong but most of their traffic is coming from Venezuela.
Third, they are generating crazy amount of daily returns but there is no proof of external revenue through trading.
Only income I see coming into the company is new investments paying off existing members.
Which will make this another crypto MLM ponzi scheme.
I just can’t recommend a scam to anyone so stay clear of this one…
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my BitBinary review and if you have any questions feel free to comment below…
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
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