BitBoom Review – Legit 13% Forever Daily ROI MLM or Huge Scam?
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- June 23, 2021
Welcome to my BitBoom Review!
There has been some buzz about this crypto currency HYIP MLM company that launched so I decided to take a closer look.
Chances are someone approached you about their passive returns opportunity where they are promising up to 13% daily return forever and now you landed here to make sure it’s legit.
The good news is I am going to reveal the truth behind the BitBoom.top company, products and compensation plan so you can make the right decision.
Just make sure you PAY close attention and read this to the end…
What is BitBoom Review
According to the company, BitBoom Group Limited is an international company that specializes in cryptocurrency trading, cryptocurrency markets, monetary and financial stock exchanges.
They have investors put in funds into the company so BitBoom can handle it and get it to grow.
When it comes to the leadership behind the company there is no information on who runs or owns it.
The domain “bitboom.top was privately registered on May 5th, 2021 which makes this company really new.
They mention both Bitboom Group Limited and Bitmoon LTD which belong to other companies…
So the are hijacking other companies registration company names…
When there is a lack of leadership and all these other shenanigan’s going on, you should think twice before you invest your funds.
Some of you like living on the edge and risk your funds in the hopes of just getting your first withdrawal, so let’s just keep going.
BitBoom.Top Products
BitBoom claims they do cryptocurrency trading and other services to help grow their clients funds, but I think that’s as legit as their company names they are hijacking.
BitBoom Compensation Plan
BitBoom has members invest funds into the company on a promise they will get a guaranteed forever ROI.
On top of that, they can also earn commissions on their referrals investments.
Investment Plans
Bit Boom offers three different investment plans that people can choose from with different minimum and maximum deposits.
- Plan 1 – invest $10 To $6,999 and receive 7% daily ROI forever
- Plan 2 – invest $7,000 To $69999 and receive 10% daily ROI forever
- Plan 3 – invest $10,000 To $100,000 and receive 13% daily ROI forever
Referral Commissions
Referral commissions inside of Bit Boom is paid through a three level unilevel compensation plan structure.
They call it an affiliate program, but anything that has more than one level is multi-level marketing.
- Level 1 – 5%
- Level 2 – 2%
- Level 3 – 1%
Cost To Joining BitBoom
To become an affiliate, it’s actually free but if you want a forever ROI on your investment daily, you must drop at least $10.
Unlike all the other BitBoom reviews out there this one is 100% unbiased so keep paying attention…
BitBoom Scam Or Legit?
So does the BitBoom scam exist?
Well let’s just look at the facts…
First, I don’t know who runs or owns the company but they want me to trust them enough to invest anywhere between $10 to $100,000.
Second, I couldn’t find any proof of trading or external revenue coming into the company to fund the returns they are claiming.
Third, I used their calculator to see what I would make with $100,000 invested and it spat out these numbers:
- Daily Profit – $13,000
- Weekly Profit – $91,000
- Total Profit – $390,000
If they could pull in those numbers legally, they wouldn’t need an compensation plan or affiliates.
They would just need a handful of investors and completely crush it and become billionaires in a short few years.
BitBoom is just another ponzi scheme that is taking new investments paying off existing members.
Once recruitment slows down, the company will collapse and goodbye investment funds.
Do NOT invest…
My #1 Recommendation
If you landed on this blog, you want to actually know how to make money online right?
When it comes to crypto, one thing you need is CASHFLOW so you can invest in more legit cryptocurrencies and getting another job isn’t the best way to do that…
If you want to learn how you can increase your cash flow without trading your time for money…
Once you learn this skill set, the sky is the limit when it comes to cash flow.
From there you can invest in appreciating assets and build long term wealth.
Remember to follow me on social media below because I am actually real and want to serve you.
I hope you enjoyed my BitBoom.top review and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below…
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
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