GPBots Exit Scam Alert, Withdrawals Disabled & CEO On The Run
- MLM News
- September 14, 2023
GPBots has recently exit scammed and collapsed because withdrawals have been disabled for at least 4 days according to a few Facebook posts.
One of the top recruiters, Ari Maccabi has been trying to contact the CEO of the company but with no luck.
I guess that’s what happens when you constantly push ponzi schemes to your members.
To be honest, the members are just as dumb for falling for it over and over again.
GPBots was an AI trading crypto MLM company that was promising 1% per day but I guess the AI went rogue or something because it didn’t last very long.
Just like so many ponzi schemes before this, the exit scam strategy was to introduce GPBots own tokens called GBux Token which was attached to a staking model.
GPBux were bought by the gullible investors and around September 9th, 2023 GPBots exit scams.
Almost like clock work if you ask me.
The message that was sent out by GPBots was the following:
We would like to inform you that we are implementing new updates to our Arbitration software (artificial intelligence).
Therefore, we have made the decision to momentarily interrupt users’ daily earnings and withdrawals.
We will have a period of 30 days of system shutdown, which will occur from September 14th to October 14th.
I call BS on that one and they are not coming back.
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
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