GreenGold Delaying Payments Every 15 Days, Blames Bitcoin and Hackers
- MLM News
- June 9, 2021
GreenGold has recently come out and said they will be delaying payments every 15 days because of the recent Bitcoin crash.
What doesn’t make sense is the external revenue was suppose to come from planting tree’s that turn into wood for products or homes.
How does Bitcoin effect that directly?
GreenGold has posted the following in their back office:
The GreenGold organization, through it’s Finland-based headquarters, hereby shares with its Affiliate Network the challenged faced by the company during this period of solidification in the network market:
1. Bitcoin historical crash;
2. Attacks on the person of Mr. Adam Durand, as well as fake news disseminated about him;
3. Widespread use of fake app (not authorized by the company) that hacked thousands of people, disrupting the business cash flow, in addition undermining the trust of important investors for the company.
We’ve requested our legal and financial team to use all possible instruments to ensure safety, longevity, and profitability to our affiliates, even under the pressure from malicious, irresponsible attacks and uncertainties in the global economy, installing a 15-day policy for liquidity in requesting payments.
After this period of implementation of good news, everything will be back to normal.
Let’s go through them together shall we?
Number one, the Bitcoin crash shouldn’t effect the returns they are getting from planting tree’s…
Matter of fact, wood is at an all time high right now costing three times as much compared to before the pandemic.
Number two, how can you have personal attacks on Mr. Adam Durand if he doesn’t exist outside of the company?
Mr. Adam Durand is played by an actor so that one goes out the window.
Number three, this is a classic example of a crypto ponzi scheme blaming an outside source effecting their performance.
The “We got hacked” is one of the oldest tricks in the book and another ponzi scheme recently called Watermine that exit scammed, recently pulled this excuse as well.
In my original GreenGold review, I was concerned about how the tree planting was just a front and didn’t actually happen.
I even talked about how you should see your name on the tree’s (I was kind of joking though).
End of the day, when a company promises up to 3% per day ROI, it doesn’t take long for the company to run out of money.
New investments was paying off existing members and this 15 days delay is to stall the company longer to exit scam harder.
Watch out for this one…
I will keep you posted.
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-Jesse Singh
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