PetronPay Start To Have Payout Problems Blamed On Bitcoin
- MLM News
- May 2, 2021
PetronPay recently has been having payment problems and blames bitcoin’s volatility…
The strange thing is PetronPay was suppose to be investing in oil not bitcoin so how is that an excuse?
Somewhere in April PetronPay instead of paying daily decided to go bi-weekly on the payments and caught many investors off guard.
Johnny Grant hasn’t come out live since April 21, 2021 and is keeping their investors in the dark on the recent problems with payments.
Every time you withdrawal from PetronPay it says pending and never actually does anything…
When I checked out TrustPilot I noticed there was a huge amount of negative reviews coming in on April 19th, 2021 saying the same thing about payments.
There is over 20 of them popping up just recently like the one above…
Not to mention one of my subscribers on YouTube said they same thing and gave me the heads up.
When I did my original PetronPay review I did call it out as a ponzi scheme because they were promising 300% return on investments which is crazy.
Plus Johnny Grant, who is the CEO, had no digital footprint which just means he is some hired actor playing the part.
It’s getting a bit common these days for ponzi scammers to go that route but people keep falling for it even when I warn them.
Sadly, when the payment issues start there is no coming out of it because it’s too late by then.
I like Macado Bazile’s comment there…
Petron Pay you better pay your customer cause you promised 1th and 15th today is 1th of The month, don’t even think you can scams People Money. Cause The consequence will be hard for ya’ll.
Unfortunately when the company is fake with fake details you can’t find the real people behind them.
Unless someone has some insider information about PetronPay’s real admin(s), this company will just exit scam and run with the money…
Watch the video below for more details…
It’s sad, but that’s what ponzi scams do…
They pay in the beginning and make it look like it’s an amazing legit company and when you least expect it they pull the rug underneath everyone.
I will keep you updated if anything changes…
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-Jesse Singh
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