Auratus Review: The Fake Gold Investment Scheme

Auratus Review: The Fake Gold Investment Scheme

Welcome to my Auratus Review!

Ever heard of the saying, “All that glitters isn’t gold?” Well, Auratus takes this to a whole new level. If you’ve stumbled upon this so-called investment opportunity, you might want to buckle up. We’re diving into the shiny, yet suspicious world of Auratus, a scheme that promises golden returns but hides a whole lot of shady secrets. Let’s unravel this glittering mess together.

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If you want to know more about Auratus keep reading…

Who’s Behind Auratus?

Auratus review

Auratus likes to keep things mysterious by not sharing any ownership or executive info. Their website domain (“”) was sneakily registered on November 29, 2023. This scheme appeared after GSPartners, another shady investment scheme, went belly up.

GSPartners was a crypto Ponzi scheme run by German national Josip Heit. They lured investors, mostly from the US and Canada, with promises of weekly passive returns through “metacertificates.” Yeah, sounds legit, right?

GSPartners’ Run-Ins with Regulators

In early 2023, Canadian regulators started cracking down on GSPartners and Josip Heit. Here’s a quick timeline of their many troubles:

  • March 9, 2023: Quebec’s Autorite des Marches Financiers issues a securities fraud warning.
  • March 15, 2023: Alberta Securities Commission adds GSPartners to its Investment Caution List.
  • May 19, 2023: Alberta Securities Commission adds GSTrade and G999 Ponzi coin to its list.
  • May 30, 2023: British Columbia Securities Commission issues a securities fraud warning.
  • June 1, 2023: Saskatchewan’s Financial and Consumers Affairs Authority issues an investor alert.
  • July 25, 2023: Ontario Securities Commission issues a securities fraud warning.

In May 2023, GSPartners tried to rebrand as Swiss Valorem Bank, but that flop was short-lived. By October 2023, GSPartners couldn’t handle the pressure and stopped weekly ROI payments. US regulatory investigations followed in November 2023.

The Rise of Auratus

Auratus gold

Amidst the collapse, Auratus emerged in April 2024 with new shell companies, including Helvetic Digital Finance AG (Switzerland) and TAS Helvetic Gold Trading LLC (Dubai). The Texas State Securities Board issued a Billionico securities fraud warning on April 22, 2024, linking Auratus to fraudulent activities.

Auratus’ Products and Compensation Plan

Auratus doesn’t offer any retail products or services. Instead, affiliates can only promote membership. The investment scheme, called “TAS Vault,” involves investing in cryptocurrency with promises of passive ROI payments.

Affiliates invest amounts ranging from €150 to €10,000 in cryptocurrency. Returns are paid in TAS Gold, an internal token with no disclosed technical details. The MLM side pays on recruitment of new affiliate investors.

Referral Commissions and Bonuses

Auratus offers a 15% referral commission on investments by personally recruited affiliates. There’s also a 5% referral commission bonus for recruiting four affiliates who each invest €500 or more within 28 days.

The Bottom Line

Auratus precious metals

Auratus operates as an illegal investment scheme, promising passive returns funded by new investments. They claim TAS Gold tokens are backed by physical gold, but there’s no verification or legal registration with financial regulators.

The scheme blocks US and Canadian residents due to stringent regulatory actions in these countries. The business model relies on slow action from regulators outside the US and Canada, making it a risky and unstable investment.

Auratus lacks transparency and operates like a typical Ponzi scheme. Once new recruitment slows down, the scheme will collapse, and most participants will lose their money. If someone approaches you with an Auratus investment, it’s best to steer clear. This scheme is as solid as a house of cards in a windstorm.

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See you at the top,

-Jesse Singh

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