Mirollex CEO Andreas Kral Exposed As Fake Actor And Confesses
- MLM News
- May 6, 2021
Mirollex CEO Andreas Kral confesses in his latest YouTube video that he is not responsible for anything that happens to you in this company financially.
He actually exposed himself that
“I am the actor who played the role of Mirollex CEO Andreas Kral…”
Then he goes to tell everyone.
“Like any other acting job also in case of Mirollex it involves having a script or scenerio that I as an actor to play out convincingly and professionally in the entre shooting process”
The actor who played Andreas Kral only went by information on what the real admins told him to do.
He later goes to say
“I personally cannot vouched or confirm their reliability”.
When I first did my Mirollex review I did call out the company to being a scam and that their CEO Andreas Kral was a fake CEO.
The company was promising over 2.5% daily which is over 30% a month…
Any legal company wouldn’t need a compensation plan at that point.
Think about it logically…
If anyone that that ability to produce those returns, they would just need a handful of investors to become billionaires in a short few years.
This new information proves that I was right all along…
The actor then goes to say
“The lack of personal experience with the work of Mirollex does not allow me to access the actual effectiveness and goals of the company”.
In other words he has no idea what this company actually does and how it works.
Then he goes on about how you can’t blame the actors if the product doesn’t do well and uses a car commercial as an example.
It looks like Mirollex might be removing CEO Andreas Kral because he pretty much exposed what really is going on…
It’s strange this happened right about Mirollex decided to launch a new investment plan and changing merchants.
I have a feeling an exit scam is coming very soon after this new information but I will keep you posted.
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-Jesse Singh
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