Onward Capital CEO Oscar Finnigan EXPOSED as Russian Actor
- MLM News
- April 29, 2021
Onward Capital is a company that promises up to 4.5% daily returns over 200 days and just looked too good to be true.
The CEO behind the company is Oscar Finnigan which I knew from day one that he is some kind of paid actor because of his terrible attempt at a French accent and fake facial hair.
It’s like he put road kill on his face and taped it together some how…
In my original Onward Capital review, I did call out this company as a ponzi scam and talked about how the leadership isn’t being transparent about themselves.
The next red flag was that Onward Capital got a BCSC fraud warning from British Columbia’s security regulator warning their citizens about this scam…
And now, Oscar Finnigan has been exposed as a Russian actor…
I would like to thank Scam Alert Global and BehindMLM to finding out this information and posting it on the internet.
Does the Russian actor know that he is acting for a ponzi scheme?
I am not 100% sure what was said to him before he took on the job.
Maybe he is completely innocent or maybe he knows exactly what this company is about…
In the below video Oscar Finnigan gets exposed so make sure you PAY close attention to the video and watch it to the end…
Next time you are thinking about joining a passive income business but the CEO doesn’t exist outside the company, he or she is most likely a hired actor…
Looks like this is the common thread that’s been going on in this space and the scam busters out there are figuring out who they are.
Which is a good thing…
Don’t Join Scams, Do This Instead…
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I know this world in this space is plagued with scams and it’s my duty to help people to see the truth behind the legit VS scams.
If you are sick and tired of jumping opportunity to opportunity just find out it was a scam and want to build something real for the long haul…
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
P.S. If you are tired of failing ANY business, click here and check this out to take your game to the next level.