Swift Crypto Miners Review – Legit Cloud Mining ROI or Scam?
- Swift Crypto Miners Reviews
- March 25, 2021
Welcome to my Swift Crypto Miners review!
There has been some buzz about this company so I decided to take a closer look.
Chances are someone approached you about the cloud mining investment opportunity where you can earn up to 10% return and now you landed here to make sure it’s legit.
The good news is I am going to walk you through the entire company so you can make the right decision.
Just PAY close attention and read this to the end…
Swift Crypto Miners Review (Company)
What is Swift Crypto Miners?
SwiftCryptoMiners claim to be a group that has over 1500 professionals and 2 mega data centers of parent company called CyFuture.
They claim to be business for over 5 years and served over 100,000 customers.
Looking at CyFuture, I couldn’t find any “cloud mining” but did find few companies going by that name.
I didn’t see any relation…
When it comes to who is running Swift Crypto Miners, I couldn’t find any information.
I decided to look at the domain information on swiftcryptominers.com and found out it was privately registered on January 7th, 2021.

They are not using any cloudflare protection and are using WHO GO HOST for hosting and using a US server.
Swift Crypto Miners claimed to be in business for over 5 years but they just launched their website a few months ago.
Other evidence that this company is brand new is they have no traffic stats right now…
That’s a good indicator this company didn’t launch too long ago.
All of the testimonials on the bottom are fake and mostly using stock images.
Swift Crypto Miners Reviews (Products)
Swift Crypto Miners provide a cloud mining service where they leverage their equipment to mine crypto currencies.
All you do is invest into one of their packages, and they will generate some kind of return which will depend on how much you invested.
Benefits of using their services are:
- Different Hashpower with 99.95% Uptime
- Instant Coins Deposit to the Account
- Excellent Efficiency with Upscale Equipment
- 24/7/365 Technical Support
Note when I did a reverse image look up for one of the images, there are several sites using this:
Swift Crypto Miners Investment Packages
Swift Crypto Miners offer 5 investment packages you can choose from.
- Starter plan – Invest $100 and receive 3% Return Over 10 days at 100 TH/S
- Bronze plan – Invest $499 to $1,799 and receive 2% Return Over 35 days at 400 TH/S
- Diamond plan – Invest $1,800 to $6,999 and receive 3% Return Over 50 days at 1,000 TH/S
- Gold Plan – Invest $7,000 to $24,999 and receive 5% Return Over 65 days at 5,000 TH/S
- Ultimate Plan – Investment $25,000 to $100,000 and receive 10% Return Over 25 days at 10,000 TH/S
Note your capital is paid back once investment period is over.
Other companies that have investment packages are Lifezer, MedTech.Biz and MoleXGrowth.
What Does It Cost To Join?
Swift Crypto Miners will cost you anywhere between $100 to $100,000 depending on the package you go with.
Unlike all the other Swift Crypto Miners review out there I am going to tell you the truth in the verdict next…
Final Verdict
So does the Swift Crypto Miners scam exist?
Well let’s look at the facts…
We don’t know who runs or owns the company.
They claim to be in business for over five years but launched their website in January of 2021.
They talk about their parent company CyFuture which has no relation to them…
I couldn’t find any proof of these mega data centers and cloud mining they are doing anywhere.
This just leaves the company doing one thing…
The new investments are paying off existing members which is producing those returns.
Why would you invest in a company that isn’t being transparent at all specially at their investment package levels.
They want you to invest up to $100,000 but they don’t want to tell us who they are?
Talk about scam…
Anyway I hope you enjoyed my Swift Crypto Miners review and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below…
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
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