Beurax YouTube Channel Goes Offline, Exit Scam Confirmed
- MLM News
- March 10, 2021
One of my YouTube subscribers commented on my latest Beurax coverage where their website went offline saying that their YouTube channel is gone.
In my last coverage, I was talking about how Beurax might be under a heavy DDOS attack because of the error on their website.
This happened to Wiseling, but they seemed to jump back from it.
Maybe Wiseling still needs to steal more funds before they exit scam for good.
There was a possibility that Beurax’s website might come back up but after finding out their YouTube channel is gone, it’s 100% exit scam.
Normally when you search for “Beurax YouTube Channel” it’s the top results of their videos, but it’s gone…
Sadly, this one probably destroyed a lot of people because there were heavy hitter promotors who were going all out on this…
I even had a YouTube subscriber that commented said they lost $750,000 in this Beurax ponzi scheme.
Basically everything he had…
He did say because he has a good job, he will recover over time.
Now I can’t even imagine how many people were effected that sunk their life savings in this ponzi scam.
I have been warning people since day 1 that Beurax is a scam!
I understand maybe people wont get it on the first review, but after that I reported on two fraud warnings from South Africa and Canada.
In those reports, affiliates were just saying the government is evil and they are out to get Beurax.
Fine…I get it.
So that was three warnings in so far and no one is listening.
Next was exposing that Susan Pope and Brandon Watts are paid actors and not real executives.
Beurax affiliates still defended them tooth and nail.
After Susan Pope and Brandon Watts got outed as actors, Beurax stopped paying on existing funds.
At that time Beurax’s Susan Pope said everything will be back to normal one April 1st, 2021.
Maybe they were going to pull an April’s fool thing and exit scam that day.
It was a fitting date for it…
Anyway, after the website going down and YouTube channel deleted, it looks like Beurax is gone for good.
Even if the website came back, they would have exit scammed anyway.
Looks like too many people out there exposed it all over YouTube and Google.
Even some of the affiliates turned on Beurax…
Well I guess if a company stops paying you will turn on them…
End of the day, there is a lesson to be learned…
If ANY MLM company that promises a DAILY return or ANY return, you need to really investigate that company.
Specially when they are claiming they can pull in 3.6% per day…
If they could really pull in 3.6% per day, they wouldn’t need a compensation plan attached to it.
They could have a few people invest and become billionaires in a short few years.
They would be the richest company in the world in 5 to 7 years…
Going forward think about everything logically…
Anyway, I will keep you updated if anything else comes out of Beurax.
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
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