Lifocity Review – (2021) Legit CBD Oil MLM Company or Scam?
- Lifocity Reviews
- June 11, 2020
Welcome to my third party unbiased Lifocity Review!
This is one of the latest MLM companies to pop up in the CBD oil space and I decided to take a closer look.
Chances are someone approached you about the business opportunity and you landed here to make sure it’s legit.
The good news is I am going to walk you through the company, products and compensation plan so you can make the right decision.
Just make sure you PAY close attention and read this to the end…
Lifocity Review (Company)
What is Lifocity?
Lifocity specializes in the CBD Oil and nutritional supplement network marketing niche.
It’s based out of Texas and is run by co-founders Doug and Sheila Braun (CEO and “Chief Experience Officer”).
Before Lifocity which was founded in May of 2019, Doug Braun was Usana’s Chief Marketing officer.
Usana is a very large and legit supplement based network marketing company that’s been in the marketplace for decades now.
Braun held that position from 2011 to July 2018.
I am not sure what exactly happened for Braun to leave exactly.
Just after he left Usana, he founded medical services and marketing companies.
Lifocity’s corporate address beleongs to LaCore Enterprises, owned and run by Terry LaCore.
This could mean that LaCore owns or is a part owner of Lifocity which isn’t disclosed on their website.
LaCore Enterprises owns a bunch of other network marketing companies, but they are not in direct competition with Lifocity.
Now we know about the company, let’s take a look at the products next in this Lifocity review.
Lifocity Products
Lifocity has a brand section instead of a product section.
The brands featured on Lifocity’s website include:
- Lifocity (the opportunity)
- Durt
- Envoi
Durt seems to be a liquid based supplement that contains essential nutrition from the ground.
Which is interesting.
Durt is available in black (humic and fulvic acid and gold (fulvic acid).
What is fulvic acid do for your body?
Fulvic acid is a widely available organic compound found in soil, as well as a supplement with many claimed health benefits.
It’s been touted as an immune system booster and for its ability to restore minerals to the body. Fulvic acid is said to also help the body get rid of toxic heavy metals.[1]
A NCBI study showed that it has shown to decrease proinflammatory markers but also activate the immune system to kill bacteria. On top of that it reduces oxidative stress and even induce apoptosis in hepatic cancer lines.[2]
In other words humic and fulvic acid are solid ingredients that are scientifically proven.
Durt retails at $65.95 for black and $69.95 for gold.
Both have a 32 day servings.
Envoi is a range of hemp products with CBD.
Envoi products are loaded with phytocannabinoid compounds that are gaining recognition in the health and wellness world for their support of the body’s endocannabinoid system and positive impact on our health.
- Full Spectrum Hemp Oil – “packed full of the beneficial compounds abundant in the hemp plant, including terpenes, cannabinoids and flavonoids”, retails at $69.95 a bottle (500 mg CBD)
- Hemp Softgels with Curcumin – “combine(s) plant-based cannabidiol (CBD) and curcumin”, retails at $65.95 a bottle (25 mg per softgel)
- Instant Relief – “Our soothing cream smells great, is moisturizing to your skin and absorbs quickly without being sticky”, retails at $45.95 for a 60 ml tube (1000 mg CBD)
Other MLM companies that offer CBD oil are the following:
- Green Compass Global Review – (2020) Legit Business or CBD Scam?
- ByDzyne Review – (2020) Legit MLM Company or Scam?
- HempWorx Review – (2020) Legit CBD Oil MLM or Huge Scam?
- Navan Global Review – Legit CBD Oil MLM or Scam?
Next let’s take a look at the compensation plan…
Lifocity Compensation Plan
Lifocity compensation plan focuses on retail commissions.
All commissions are paid out through a unilevel compensation plan with performance based bonuses.
Lifocity Ranks
The company has 11 affiliate ranks you can qualify for and below is the qualifications needed to hit each rank:
- Affiliate – sign up as a Lifocity affiliate and maintain 50 PV a month
- Level 1 Brand Partner – generate and maintain 50 PV a month and generate 500 PTV and 350 GV a month
- Level 2 Brand Partner – maintain 50 PV a month and generate 500 PTV and 350 GV a month
- Level 3 Brand Partner – maintain 50 PV a month and generate 2500 PTV and 5000 GV a month
- Level 4 Brand Partner – generate and maintain 100 PV a month and generate 5000 PTV and 10,000 GV a month
- Level 5 Brand Partner – maintain 100 PV a month and generate and maintain 7500 PTV and 20,000 GV a month, or sign up with a Business Builder Pack (one year auto rank qualification)
- Level 6 Brand Partner – generate and maintain 200 PV a month and generate 15,000 PTV and 30,000 GV a month
- Level 7 Brand Partner – maintain 200 PV a month and generate and maintain 30,000 PTV and 100,000 GV a month
- Level 8 Brand Partner – maintain 200 PV a month and generate and maintain 50,000 PTV and 250,000 GV a month
- Level 9 Brand Partner – maintain 200 PV a month and generate and maintain 100,000 PTV and 750,000 GV a month
- Level 10 Brand Partner – maintain 200 PV a month and generate and maintain 250,000 PTV and 1,000,000 GV a month
PV = Personal volume which is the salves volume produced by retail customer orders and affiliate orders.
GV = Group volume which is the sales volume produced within hte first three levels of the unilevel compensation plan not including affiliate’s own PV.
PTV stands for “Personal Team Volume” and is sales volume produced by personally sponsored affiliates only.
Lifocity Retail Commissions
Retail commissions are paid on sales volume produced by retail customer orders only.
This is paid through a unilevel compensation plan structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates sponsor a new affiliate, they are put on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates sponsor a new affiliates, they are put on level 3 and so on and so forth…
Lifocity has 11 levels in total they pay on and is based on rank:
- Level 1 Brand Partner – 5% on level 1 (personally sponsored affiliates) and 1% on levels 2 to 8
- Level 2 Brand Partner – 5% on levels 1 and 2 and 1% on levels 3 to 8
- Level 3 Brand Partner – 5% on levels 1 to 3 and 1% on levels 4 to 8
- Level 4 Brand Partner – 5% on levels 1 to 4 and 1% on levels 5 to 8
- Level 5 Brand Partner – 5% on levels 1 to 5 and 1% on levels 6 and 8
- Level 6 Brand Partner – 5% on levels 1 to 6 and 1% on levels 7 and 8
- Level 7 Brand Partner – 5% on levels 1 to 7 and 1% on level 8
- Level 8 Brand Partner and higher – 5% on levels 1 to 8
Once you hit Level 8 and higher, you have the opportunity to unlock 1% on levels 9 to 11 by hitting following qualifications:
- Enroll ten retail customers who have placed an order (excludes trial packs and samples)
- Produce 1500 PTV and 1000 NV a month
NV = New Volume which is the sales order placed by enrolled retail customers or personally sponsored affiliates within their first 30 days.
Retailer Bonus
The Retailer Bonus paid paid out as 40% of the 50% of produced retail sales volume.
With this Retailer Bonus, each affiliate is able to earn:
- 40% of 50% of sales volume generated by personally enrolled retail customers
- 5% on level 1 of the unilevel team, 10% on level 2 and 15% on level 3
Note that Retailer Bonuses produced by non-qualified affiliates roll up to their upline.
Retail Match
Lifocity affiliates can earn a percentage match on retail commissions earned across the first three levels of their unilevel team.
- Level 1 Brand Partners earn a 10% match on level 1
- Level 2 Brand Partners earn a 10% match on levels 1 and 2
- Level 3 Brand Partners and higher earn a 10% match on levels 1 to 3
5G Champion Bonus
This is a generational bonus on retail.
Lifocity defines a generation across the unilevel leg when a Level 6 Brand Partner or higher is found.
This will cap off the first generation leg.
Now if there are two Level 6 Brand Partners on the same leg, that’s two generations and so on.
5G Champion Bonus is paid as a percentage of the 50% of produced retail sales volume as the following:
- Level 6 Brand Partners earn a 2% match on the first generation and 1% on generations two to six
- Level 7 Brand Partners earn a 2% match on the first and second generations and 1% on generations three to six
- Level 8 Brand Partners earn a 2% match on the first and second generations, 3% on the third and 1% on the fourth and fifth
- Level 9 Brand Partners earn a 2% match on the first generation, 3% on the second to fourth generations and 1% on the fifth
- Level 10 Brand Partners earn a 2% match on the first generation, 3% on the second, 4% on the third, 5% on the fourth and 1% on the fifth
FastStart Bonus
Once you get two customers and produce sales volume, you can get the FastStart Bonus.
Other performance based bonuses include:
- FastStart30 Pool
- Enroller Bonus
- Brand Champion Pool
Cost To Join Lifocity
The affiliate membership will run you $30 per year.
You can also purchase optional packages:
- a Brand Experience Kit for $313
- a Brand Builder Kit for $589 or
- a Business Builder Kit (cost not disclosed)
The kits come with discounted bundles of products.
Unlike all the other Lifocity reviews out there I am going to keep it real.
Final Verdict
So does the Lifocity scam exist?
After taking a look at the company, products and compensation plan I ca safely say it’s NOT a scam.
In fact, it’s probably one of the cleanest MLM opportunities in 2020.
When I mean by clean, I mean by the compensation plan is mostly geared towards retail sales which will keep the FTC happy.
The products to have proven ingredients that are scientifically studied to help with health.
Best thing you can do is try out the products and see how you like them.
From there you can make the decision if it’s right for you.
Let’s face it…
They product has to be good for you to back it up.
Sure the ingredients are great, but if it tastes terrible it might be a hard sell if you know what I mean.
Overall, a great network marketing company!
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I hope you enjoyed my Lifocity review and if you have ANY questions feel free to ask in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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See you at the top,
-Jesse Singh
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